Liberate me, Love me

I miss sharing bits and pieces of my life. I believe that when you are in a relationship, one must share his entire existence with the significant other. You become two halves of a whole.
This is something I didn’t understand before. When we were young we used to believe that to share your belongings with another diminishes your share in them. It doesn’t. It actually adds more value to them, as with every usage of these belongings you create a memory of sharing with the other. Memories build relationships. They build your existence. They make it useful and most importantly valuable.
I admit my longing to experiment this new realization I have come to. I want to see how far I am ready to share myself with someone. It is a huge commitment to decide to tie yourself to one person. Moreover, it is a huge liberation not to be afraid to share yourself openly with someone else.
On this note, relationships could be very scary if you think that the other might be frightened by the different components of your personality. If you worry about how repellant you could be when you share yourself entirely with someone then you definitely are relationship-phobic.
But that’s the beauty of it, that with time you will understand that we are all faulty and broken on the inside. So it is okay to be damaged. Not just okay, but it is beautiful to have these cracks in your heart and soul. They define you. They beautify you. They are you.
Once you realize this, you are free; you are free of who you think you should be, you ought to be or you must be. You make peace with who you are. Then, you become ready to share yourself.

Love yourself enough to share yourself.
Liberate your existence from the worries of how ugly you think you are.
Set your heart free, and love endlessly.

Why? Because it is beautiful to love and to be loved!


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