Was it just for Lucifer or Adam & Eve?

Dear God, 

Hope all is well at your end, at least better than ours. 
I know I am writing this rather formerly, it is just that in our world you only get far by paying respects to your superiors and acting all shaped up and civilized. 
It is kind of suffocating, if you ask me... but you already know, don’t you?

Well, to cut to the chase, I need to start by telling you how much I love you, as an entity, power or science. I find you in every corner on the street and behind every scheme in my life. I love you and I am grateful that I found you, in my life but most importantly in my heart, soul and mind!
I have just been wondering for a while about certain things, and as you already know - for sure - I live in a place and within a society where questions and inquiries are kind of forbidden. Not just religiously, politically as well! But that shall be discussed in another letter. 

My aim in this particular letter is to raise the question of justice. See, we have been taught and fed for the years of our childhood some horrific nonsense about how justice is instant and that you are watching over and you shall strike dead whoever is unjust and hurtful. YEARS, my dearest God! So when a person happens to grow up, and actually make it in this horrifically war-studded world, we realize that justice is rather scarce! You see... it is either the rich, the powerful or the immoral who make it in this world. 
I live in a place where the poor gets poorer, the thief gets richer, the decent gets stepped over, the immoral is winning it all, the wrongdoers get far while the conservatives get lost between their beliefs and teachings about justice and the practical absolute absence of it. 
As you already know, the world is crumbling under the weight of hatred and greed... and it is a no brainer that you saw all this coming. 
They did not teach us that your justice has its own timing and manner, they did not set us up properly for this hard test, and they did not try to understand your guidebooks correctly. They have created their own version of your guidebooks and fed them to us for years, God! 

You knew we are a doomed species... You saw how Adam and Eve miserably failed a simple test of etiquette, they were at your paradise and yet they still trespassed and stole your forbidden fruit. 
I know you kind of see where I am going, but for the people reading this who do not understand, I am leaning towards asking you: Why? Why us? Why the doomed species? Why would you set up a failure species to such a hard test?
You asked us for one simple task, to fix up your earth; and you have even repeatedly handed us the guidebook and sent us so many messengers; and we still failed! 
So why?

I guess Lucifer has kind of foreseen it, you know... our tendency for Bad I mean. He refused to bow for us, knowing that a huge deal of Adam and Eve’s offspring are not any better than him.
You were right to banish us... both of us. You know, it was kind of just, before we corrupt your heavens. 
And we are over here - cockfighting for years, haha, centuries I mean... 
May the odds be ever in our favor... but I am sure you already know this as well! 

I love you! in my own way! I know you understand!
Till very soon, my dearest!

 --- La Creazione di Adamo, Michelangelo - Sistine Chapel.


  1. All of that for a few "Good Folks". The whole simulation are actually built for a niche selected minority.


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