They walk away.

They walk away.

It gets hard, it hurts, and they walk away.

But I’m a fighter, you know.

I go head first, dive deep into the wounds, open them, clean them in order to heal.

Heal properly and rapidly.

But they walk away.

Like cowards, like strangers, like the people we never knew.

They go from intimate to nothing.

Without the confrontation.

Without the talk.

Without the fight.

I find it odd, that someone could be capable of that much love, is as well capable of that much indifference and disregard.

But I manage.

I always do.

I pick up my internal fight.

I cleanse.

And then I move on.

Still wondering why people would rather stay silent than talk? Why would they prefer ambiguity to straight forwardness?

And it hit me! Because they know they lack, because they know they are losing, because they know they just cannot afford the pain and work needed to open the wound and cleanse it.

And instantly I feel sorry for them.

I understand.

And not just that, I forgive them for the pain they have caused and the mess they have left behind. 

It’s in this forgiveness that I find my strength.

Because how can you move on from someone, if there are still untangled emotions, be it hate or love.

It’s the second that you hit indifference, that you can truly call yourself victorious.

Forgive. Love them again for being that humanly flaw-full. And move on.


  1. Thank you for this. I came across it randomly but it made a lot of sense to me and helped me.

    You are a strong person and it's amazing how you manage to find beauty in the pain.


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