30 crawling in *weeps*
Hellooo Long time no see, ha? I believe the last post that I have written and has boomed was almost 7 years ago! Fuck – I am old! We are old! Where did the time go? Believing I had all the time in the world to make my dreams come true, I forgot that with the time passing I am not just procrastinating for another day; but I am rather numbing a portion of my life span. I woke up today like any other day, even felt awkward at a party where I would usually thrive meeting new people. And this hit me, woke me up, made me see what I have been shutting off for a bit. Yes – it is writing. For a long while I haven’t spoken with myself, even on my daily diary – I have been avoiding it for a while. I miss meee, peeps! So today I am going to pin down what I have been dealing with lately, what I believe is worrying me and what I suppose is thrilling me. It is LOVE. As always, the L O V E word is the key to our existence, happiness, and purpose. Love of God. Love of Oneself. Lov...